Services for managers

Organization of sports activities > Services for managers

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When you’re responsible for your team’s well-being, you know how every detail matters.

That’s where we come in with our comprehensive range of solutions specifically designed for managers, ensuring the resounding success of your sports and well-being projects.

Our team provides tailor-made services that allow you to achieve your operational goals and track success transparently in your activities.

Audit and Analysis: Create a Winning Strategy

The key to any successful project lies in a thorough understanding of needs and expectations. That’s why we start by creating a personalized audit for your company.

This in-depth analysis allows us to identify key elements that will foster the commitment and engagement of your employees, whether in implementing sports activities, team building, or conferences. By understanding your specificities, we can develop a custom strategy that will lead you to success.

Audit demo Audit analysis demo

Custom Financing: Achieve Your Goals

The success of a program often depends on its financial viability. We offer tailor-made financing for activities, taking into account your budget and values.

Whether you want your company to fully fund activities or prefer payment by your employees or even a hybrid system, we adapt our solutions to your needs.

Communication and Promotion: Make Your Initiatives Shine

To ensure optimal communication and engage your employees, we offer a range of tailored digital supports, such as impactful posters, engaging newsletters, and attractive TV screens.

Moreover, we will develop, for you, a customized web platform gathering all information about leisure activities in your company on a single page, simplifying access to news, events, and important registrations. A comprehensive solution to promote participation and interaction.

platform demo

KPI Reports: A Clear View of Success

Our commitment to transparency means you always stay informed. We regularly provide detailed KPI reports on ongoing activities, the actions we’ve taken, and the evolution of the offer, if necessary.

These KPIs offer you a clear view of the success of your initiatives, enabling you to make informed decisions.

kpi's demo

Replacement Management for Seamless Continuity

Maintaining the regularity of activities is essential to ensure the lasting commitment of your collaborators. That’s why we take complete charge of instructor management.

Whether for occasional or permanent replacements, or even to integrate your contributors into our teams, we ensure that quality is always at the forefront.

By choosing our specialized tools, you gain access to a comprehensive solution for organizing sports activities in your company that energizes team cohesion, health, and motivation.

Wherever you are based in Switzerland (Bern, Zurich, Basel, Geneva…), our expertise extends to meet your specific needs.

Take control of your success with our dedicated services for managers.

Contact us via this form or by phone for quicker response:
0041 76 245 00 87